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Uladzimir Matskevich: Trump has a sword of Damocles hanging above his head
Uladzimir Matskevich: Trump has a sword of Damocles hanging above his head
The hacking scandal is directed against Trump and sows doubts in the legitimacy of his victory.  12.01.2017 | 07:20
Dmitry Drozd: Stalinism gains popularity, but decommunisation is inevitable
Dmitry Drozd: Stalinism gains popularity, but decommunisation is inevitable
It is far from easy to find information about repressions in Belarus. However, we can change the future only by knowing the fate of our ancestors.  10.01.2017 | 07:28
Leu Margolin: Industry cannot rise from its knees
Leu Margolin: Industry cannot rise from its knees
Although 30 percent of Belarusian enterprises can still be revived through urgent structural reforms.  09.01.2017 | 07:40
Tatsiana Vadalazhskaja: Thinking exists only in the actual intellectual effort
Tatsiana Vadalazhskaja: Thinking exists only in the actual intellectual effort
Thinking related issues exist in all areas, at times even unexpected ones.  07.01.2017 | 15:00
Andrei Parotnikau: Russia will return to the issue of an air base in Belarus
Andrei Parotnikau: Russia will return to the issue of an air base in Belarus
However the military base is only image-building for the Kremlin and has no practical use.  06.01.2017 | 08:18
Ulad Vialichka: Civil society spent 2016 without vim, but this is no reason for dramatization
Ulad Vialichka: Civil society spent 2016 without vim, but this is no reason for dramatization
The whole country is in crisis, including civil society, but it is “not dead - it is alive and solving pressing issues.”  04.01.2017 | 08:07
Uladzimir Matskevich: During 2016 Belarus was in a state of chronic smoldering crisis
Uladzimir Matskevich: During 2016 Belarus was in a state of chronic smoldering crisis
According to the philosopher, the crisis like a disease penetrated into all spheres of life in the country.  02.01.2017 | 08:15
Stanislau Bagdankevich: Next year will be harsh
Stanislau Bagdankevich: Next year will be harsh
Stagnation will continue in 2017, the standard of living will not rise, and the banking system may experience a crisis.  31.12.2016 | 08:06
Arest Bilaskurski: The more channels the better
Arest Bilaskurski: The more channels the better
The future of the Belarusian TV lies in the development of our own local content.  30.12.2016 | 08:07
Address of the Belarusan National Platform of the EaP CSF on the future of Belsat TV channel
Address of the Belarusan National Platform of the EaP CSF on the future of Belsat TV channel
The Belarusan National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum issued a statement on the future of Belsat TV channel.  29.12.2016 | 15:00
 Siarhei Drazdouski: Quality of the national implementation plan of the Convention raises concerns
 Siarhei Drazdouski: Quality of the national implementation plan of the Convention raises concerns
So far, the government does not confirm the intention to carry out systematic and comprehensive reforms of legislation in this area.  29.12.2016 | 07:20
Uladzimir Matskevich: Antibelarusian mood in Russia is a part of a trend, it will continue to grow
Uladzimir Matskevich: Antibelarusian mood in Russia is a part of a trend, it will continue to grow
So far the information attacks at Belarus may not be a thought out campaign, but they correspond to the "general policy of the Kremlin."  28.12.2016 | 08:22
Andrei Yeliseyeu: Russia cannot impose quotas on the Belarusian dairy products supply
Andrei Yeliseyeu: Russia cannot impose quotas on the Belarusian dairy products supply
Belarus has already agreed to reduce the level of state support to agricultural producers in the framework of the Eurasian agreements.    25.12.2016 | 07:15
Statement of the Belarusan National Platform of the EaP CSF on the terrorist attack in Berlin
Statement of the Belarusan National Platform of the EaP CSF on the terrorist attack in Berlin
The Belarusan National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum issued a statement on the terrorist attack in Berlin.  23.12.2016 | 15:00
Activists suggest creating a reality show about designing oncologic dispensaries in Belarus
Activists suggest creating a reality show about designing oncologic dispensaries in Belarus
Moreover it is planned to implement a pilot architecture project on the basis of the Vitebsk Oncology Center next year.  23.12.2016 | 10:00
Andrei Yahorau: Terrorist attack in Berlin should not influence the German migration policy
Andrei Yahorau: Terrorist attack in Berlin should not influence the German migration policy
However, it gives new arguments to the opponents of the migration policy of Angela Merkel.  23.12.2016 | 07:12
Belarusization under global attacks
Belarusization under global attacks
Belarusian intellectuals presented their views on "Belarusization in the context of current global transformations: effective structures in the era of changes."  22.12.2016 | 08:26
Leanid Spatkai: It’s too early be alarmed,the agreement between FSB and KGB have not yet been signed
Leanid Spatkai: It’s too early be alarmed,the agreement between FSB and KGB have not yet been signed
Agreement on the participation of Special Forces in counter-terrorism operations conducted on the territory of Belarus and the Russia should include reciprocal commitments and guarantees.  22.12.2016 | 07:44
Irina Zhykhar: People need to overcome the cancer diagnosis
Irina Zhykhar: People need to overcome the cancer diagnosis
Next year the support center “In the Name of Life” together with Lithuania is planning to implement an international project bringing the communication between doctor and patient to a new level.  21.12.2016 | 09:09
Uladzimir Matskevich: Loss of "Belsat" is a backdown, channel criticism is irrelevant
Uladzimir Matskevich: Loss of "Belsat" is a backdown, channel criticism is irrelevant
"Absurdity and irrationality from both those who suggest closing "Belsat", and those who criticize it in Belarus today."  21.12.2016 | 07:02
Businessmen: Government frees the space for civic initiatives
Businessmen: Government frees the space for civic initiatives
Minsk hosted the finals of the social projects contest Social Weekend. What language should we use when talking business and what corporate social responsibility in Belarus is?  18.12.2016 | 08:13
Alena Zuikova: Belarus has reached its limit as a recipient of foreign aid
Alena Zuikova: Belarus has reached its limit as a recipient of foreign aid
But the analyst of the CET admits the potential of Belarus as a recipient of foreign aid is quite big, however if there are no reforms there will be no realization of this potential.  17.12.2016 | 08:54
Only one fifth of tourist attractions in Minsk are fully accessible for persons with disabilities
Only one fifth of tourist attractions in Minsk are fully accessible for persons with disabilities
Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities presented the results of the study on the availability of tourism in Minsk.  16.12.2016 | 08:17
Maksim Zhbankou: Authorities understand no one will go to build barricades if Volski starts singing
Maksim Zhbankou: Authorities understand no one will go to build barricades if Volski starts singing
The fact that our outstanding musicians are made  to apply for performance permission is not normal.  14.12.2016 | 12:41
Stsiapan Stureika: Society should be responsible for preserving our heritage (PHOTO)
Stsiapan Stureika: Society should be responsible for preserving our heritage (PHOTO)
Why does the protection of monuments require decentralization and if it is possible to preserve our heritage without disturbing the authenticity?  14.12.2016 | 07:25
Новости рубрики «News» с 101 по 125 из 5687
Gintautas Mažeikis: The relation of political field and arena in the framework of information war

In his report, philosopher Gintautas Mažeikis discusses several concepts that have been a part of the European social and philosophical thought for quite a time.

“It is our big joint work”

It is impossible to change life in cities just in three years (the timeline of the “Agenda 50” campaign implementation). But changing the structure of relationships in local communities is possible.

Shhh! Belarus Wants You to Think It’s Turning Over a New Leaf

Minsk’s muddled media clampdown could jeopardize warming of relations with the West.

Mikhail Matskevich: How to create a local agenda and make it a problem solving tool

To achieve changes, you need to be interested in them and stop pinning all hopes on the state.