Saturday 18 May 2024 | 10:02

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Andrey Yurov: All that is happening with the connivance of the excellent democracies…
Andrey Yurov: All that is happening with the connivance of the excellent democracies…
Why has negligence of the international law become habitual and can this trend be changed?  11.03.2015 | 11:00
Uladzimir Matskevich: It is impossible to bring peace to Donbas without declaring Russia belligerent
Uladzimir Matskevich: It is impossible to bring peace to Donbas without declaring Russia belligerent
The whole game that Russia is leading is based on denying the obvious – its participation in the war with Ukraine and impossibility to prove that it has been taking part in the military conflict.  10.03.2015 | 08:33
Andrei Yahorau: Belarus has chances to influence future construction of European neighborhood policy
Andrei Yahorau: Belarus has chances to influence future construction of European neighborhood policy
It is not only the question of Belarusan government, but also the question of civil society institutes.  07.03.2015 | 08:52
Uladzimir Kariagin: We hope that state’s readiness to “business/power” dialog isn’t a declaration
Uladzimir Kariagin: We hope that state’s readiness to “business/power” dialog isn’t a declaration
On March 4 Belarusan entrepreneurs held the XVI Assembly of business circles in Minsk, presenting a project of Belarus Business National Platform 2015 “Structural modernization of business and power”.  06.03.2015 | 07:59
Pavel Sheremet: After Nemtsov’s murder disgust to the authorities and wish for changes are growing
Pavel Sheremet: After Nemtsov’s murder disgust to the authorities and wish for changes are growing
“For now Russia is satisfied, and well-fed people are not very disposed towards any protests. However, fullness has its limit, other feelings are being added to it – everything is too obscurantist”.  05.03.2015 | 07:58
Vladimir Nikitin: We were holding analytical session on Donbas only four years ago
Vladimir Nikitin: We were holding analytical session on Donbas only four years ago
Maidan witnessed an attempt to get rid of a mediator – the state – between life and man. It was a start of a new world. But Donbas doesn’t accept it and, likewise Russia, wants to get off with it.  04.03.2015 | 08:23
Uladzimir Matskevich: Kremlin will be doing everything to avert suspicions of killing Nemtsov
Uladzimir Matskevich: Kremlin will be doing everything to avert suspicions of killing Nemtsov
Nemtsov was one of those potential opposition leaders, who were able to give direction to the chaotic movement. And that is why he posed threat to the Kremlin regime.  03.03.2015 | 07:56
Aliaksei Kazliuk: PACE rapporteur didn’t made use of Lawtrend’s offer
Aliaksei Kazliuk: PACE rapporteur didn’t made use of Lawtrend’s offer
During Andrea Rigoni’s visit to Minsk the idea of uniting his efforts with the UN Special Rapporteur Miklos Haraszti didn’t please PACE’s Special Rapporteur much. Why so?  02.03.2015 | 08:33
Stanislau Bahdankevich: Right declarations didn’t lead our economy to the necessary results
Stanislau Bahdankevich: Right declarations didn’t lead our economy to the necessary results
Without structural reforms the government only drives itself into the corner. And one more common action plan of the Council of Ministers can’t lead to anything concrete.  27.02.2015 | 08:32
Andrei Yahorau: Europeans are probing how the official Minsk understands geopolitical context
Andrei Yahorau: Europeans are probing how the official Minsk understands geopolitical context
Belarus is now going through the pilgrimage of European officials. What are its aims and what these visits can lead to?  26.02.2015 | 08:17
Nerijus Stasiulis: Conflicts and wars became the business of state structures
Nerijus Stasiulis: Conflicts and wars became the business of state structures
Baltic States are very often referred to as the next object of Russia’s aggression after Ukraine. Why? How do the Baltic peoples perceive the Russia-Ukraine conflict?  25.02.2015 | 08:45
Uladzimir Matskevich: The war in Donbas is a question of life and death for Putin
Uladzimir Matskevich: The war in Donbas is a question of life and death for Putin
As long as the Putin’s regime has resources, the threat of the World War III remains. The West should introduce real sanctions, help Ukraine modernize its army, and support it with armory.  24.02.2015 | 08:03
Aleh Hulak: The authorities don’t start real dialog about human rights with the civil society
Aleh Hulak: The authorities don’t start real dialog about human rights with the civil society
Belarusan authorities have a specific understanding of human rights, which doesn’t allow them to start real discussion of problems with the representatives of the civil society.  23.02.2015 | 08:01
Uladzimir Dunaeu: Heads of universities heard President’s message; the Minister was disavowed
Uladzimir Dunaeu: Heads of universities heard President’s message; the Minister was disavowed
Why did universities’ heads started to show off, while Belarus is buried under the “trash” of education, dying from the itch of reforms and spits on subordination?  21.02.2015 | 08:57
Andrey Yurov: International civil society is now lagging behind the politicians
Andrey Yurov: International civil society is now lagging behind the politicians
Today’s crisis of the international law is largely caused by the weak global civil society, not only by the negligence of security issues on the part of politicians and corresponding structures.  19.02.2015 | 08:34
Sviatlana Alexievich: Our society will change when Belarus will have people with self-respect
Sviatlana Alexievich: Our society will change when Belarus will have people with self-respect
The writer believes that neither politicians nor the state will change Belarus, but only shifts in civic conscience. The road is long – a “Red” man doesn’t go away that easily.  18.02.2015 | 09:08
Uladzimir Matskevich: The defeated party in Minsk negotiations of “Normandy Four” is still Russia
Uladzimir Matskevich: The defeated party in Minsk negotiations of “Normandy Four” is still Russia
The behavior of the Belarusan leader indirectly witnesses that Putin’s time is coming to an end and Russia is coming off second-best.  17.02.2015 | 08:43
Andrei Stryzhak: I don’t support any of the parties at war; I help the injured
Andrei Stryzhak: I don’t support any of the parties at war; I help the injured
To pay for medicines that are being sent to Donbas Belarusans donate sums of money from 2 euros to more than 200 euros. And each pack of suture materials has a name behind it.  16.02.2015 | 08:23
Ulad Vialichka: The one who benefited most from the “Normandy four” negotiations was Lukashenka
Ulad Vialichka: The one who benefited most from the “Normandy four” negotiations was Lukashenka
Ukraine can’t combine hostilities with the active phase of reforms – without diminishing the conflict it looks like a war on two fronts.  14.02.2015 | 09:23
Andrei Yahorau: Russia needs a frozen or even a smouldering conflict at the east of Ukraine
Andrei Yahorau: Russia needs a frozen or even a smouldering conflict at the east of Ukraine
Minsk negotiations can be the first step to peace, after which concrete actions will follow: ceasefire, removal of military propaganda, i.e. successive implementation of agreements.  13.02.2015 | 08:42
Andrei Yahorau: The EU won’t go back on its demands towards Belarusan authorities
Andrei Yahorau: The EU won’t go back on its demands towards Belarusan authorities
Without the release of political prisoners and shifts in providing freedoms of the election process, there is no reason to expect considerable changes in relations between Minsk and the EU.  11.02.2015 | 08:21
Uladzimir Matskevich:After Minsk negotiations are disrupted the conflict will be resolved coercively
Uladzimir Matskevich:After Minsk negotiations are disrupted the conflict will be resolved coercively
If a child or a criminal denies their clear guilt, they can only be put in their place by means of force.  10.02.2015 | 08:38
Piotr Kuzniatsou: Belarus has only one instrument against propaganda – national consciousness
Piotr Kuzniatsou: Belarus has only one instrument against propaganda – national consciousness
Russian propagandist pressing carries huge long-term threat for the national mental health. But even Belarusans have a chance to retain adequacy.  09.02.2015 | 08:26
Uladzimir Matskevich: No one in the modern world is ready to the full-scale war with Russia
Uladzimir Matskevich: No one in the modern world is ready to the full-scale war with Russia
However, we shouldn’t underestimate Russian influence that reaches Western institutions.  07.02.2015 | 08:35
Uladzimir Matskevich: Regime has to appeal to patriotic feelings; we shouldn’t believe its sincerity
Uladzimir Matskevich: Regime has to appeal to patriotic feelings; we shouldn’t believe its sincerity
Belarus head long ago realized the advantages of independence; he doesn’t want to be Kremlin’s deputy. That is why we observe Lukashenka’s alleged switch to Belarusianism. And that is a forced switch.  03.02.2015 | 08:57
Новости рубрики «Opinions» с 376 по 400 из 1071
Gintautas Mažeikis: The relation of political field and arena in the framework of information war

In his report, philosopher Gintautas Mažeikis discusses several concepts that have been a part of the European social and philosophical thought for quite a time.

“It is our big joint work”

It is impossible to change life in cities just in three years (the timeline of the “Agenda 50” campaign implementation). But changing the structure of relationships in local communities is possible.

Shhh! Belarus Wants You to Think It’s Turning Over a New Leaf

Minsk’s muddled media clampdown could jeopardize warming of relations with the West.

Mikhail Matskevich: How to create a local agenda and make it a problem solving tool

To achieve changes, you need to be interested in them and stop pinning all hopes on the state.