The European Commission has
proposed allocating ?70 billion to EU external action activities between
2014 and 2020. The proposal is now being discussed by EU Member States
and the European Parliament, a feature on the External Action service
website says.
The ?70 billion would be complemented by the
European Development Fund,
which has a proposed ceiling of ?29.9 billion over the same
period, according to the feature, that says:. The figures are outlined
in the proposals for the Multiannual Financial Framework for the period
2014-2020. The document sets out the EU’s political and spending
priorities for that time period.
According to the feature “the European Neighbourhood Instrument would
become the channel through which the bulk of EU assistance to
neighbouring countries is managed. Funding would support deeper
political cooperation, closer economic integration with the EU and
support for transition to democracy.”
Strengthening the promotion of human rights worldwide is also outlined in the proposal. A reinforced
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights would have a two-pronged focus: support for electoral observation
missions and improving electoral processes; and support for the civil
societies and their specific role as actors for change. This will
bolster the EU’s capacity to react promptly to human rights emergencies.
Funding for other
activities would continue through the traditional financial instruments,
such as the Humanitarian Aid Instrument, the Civil Protection Mechanism
and the Instrument for Stability.
The European Union is a
global player with global responsibilities. It must secure its interests
in the world and provide the support and solidarity to other countries
that the world - and EU citizens - have come to expect. The EU is
engaged around the globe in development, humanitarian assistance, the
protection of human rights, conflict prevention, crisis management,
peace-building and peacekeeping.
ENPI Info Centre